Table of Contents

What Is Breast Reduction?

Breast reduction, or reduction mammaplasty, is a surgical procedure to reduce the size of breasts that are either too large or too small. It can improve the shape and contour of your chest and make it easier for you to exercise and perform everyday tasks.

Breast reduction surgery is usually performed on women who have excessively large breasts, also called macromastia, which can cause back pain, shoulder pain and neck pain. Other indications include breasts that have become stretched out over time due to pregnancy or weight gain.

The procedure removes fat and excess skin from beneath the breast tissue while tightening the remaining skin to reshape the breasts into a more natural size and contour. The nipples are repositioned higher on the breast mound and any excess skin is removed from under the areola (the pigmented area around each nipple).

Breast reduction is usually done through an incision in front of each breast under local anesthesia with intravenous sedation as needed. The length of your hospital stay depends on your overall health condition and how early you return for follow-up visits after discharge.


Ideal Candidates for Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast reduction surgery is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries. The procedure can dramatically improve the look, feel and function of your breasts. Women who are dissatisfied with the size, shape or position of their breasts may benefit from breast reduction surgery. Some women may also have painful symptoms due to large breasts, such as neck and back pain, shoulder pain or skin irritation under the arm (underarm fat necrosis).

Breast reduction is an excellent treatment option for patients who are seeking a permanent solution to their concerns about their body image. Patients should be aware that there are significant risks associated with any surgical procedure and that breast reduction is no exception — however, these risks do not outweigh the benefits of improved quality of life for many women.

If you think that breast reduction surgery might be right for you, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kim or one of our other board-certified plastic surgeons at The Center for Cosmetic Surgery in Miami Lakes. Our surgeons will work closely with you to determine which technique — either direct excisional or vertical mastopexy — will give you the results you’re seeking while minimizing risk and discomfort during recovery time

Breast Reduction Consultation

A breast reduction consultation allows you to meet with our board certified plastic surgeon and gain information on the procedure. During this appointment, our doctors will take the time to discuss your desired results, concerns and ensure that you are a good candidate for this surgery. During your consultation, Dr. Casas will discuss the procedure, risks and benefits with you as well as answer any questions or concerns that you may have.

Breast Reduction Consultation

A breast reduction consultation allows you to meet with our board certified plastic surgeon and gain information on the procedure. During this appointment, our doctors will take the time to discuss your desired results, concerns and ensure that you are a good candidate for this surgery. During your consultation, Dr. Casas will discuss the procedure, risks and benefits with you as well as answer any questions or concerns that you may have.

The Breast Reduction Procedure

Breast reduction is a surgical procedure that removes excess breast fat, glandular tissue and skin to achieve a more proportionate, balanced-appearing breast. Breast reduction can significantly improve the physical and emotional discomfort associated with very large breasts.

A breast reduction can be performed on women of any age with breasts that are excessively large, causing physical discomfort and/or back, shoulder and neck pain; or causing the woman psychological distress.

The procedure removes fat, glandular tissue and skin from the breasts to achieve a more proportional look. It does not reduce nipple size or add volume to the nipples.

Breast reduction is not for everyone. Your doctor will discuss the risks and benefits of this surgery with you before the procedure is performed.

During this operation, excess breast fat and glandular tissue are removed from around your nipple and areola (the darker area surrounding your nipple). Excess skin on the lower part of your breast is also removed so that it lies closer to your chest wall. This results in smaller, firmer breasts that sit higher on your chest wall than they did before surgery.

Breast Reduction Recovery

Breast reduction surgery is a major operation that requires lots of recovery time. You will be sore and stiff for several weeks, and it takes about six weeks before you can resume normal activities.

The size and shape of your breasts will change gradually as swelling goes down and tissue heals.

After breast reduction surgery, you need to have someone else drive you home from the hospital. Your surgeon may allow you to go back to work in one week if your job involves light duty. If not, then wait until two weeks after surgery before returning to work.

The first few weeks after breast reduction surgery are the most critical period of healing. The amount of pain and bruising depends on how much tissue was removed during surgery, how well your blood clotting factors are functioning (blood thinners) and whether or not you had an implant placed at the same time as the reduction procedure. Your doctor may recommend taking aspirin or other medication to help prevent blood clots in the veins of your legs or lungs after surgery.

You will need help getting around for about two weeks after breast reduction surgery because many women experience weakness in their arms after this procedure. Your surgeon may prescribe physical therapy exercises to strengthen your arms during this period of rehabilitation from breast reduction surgery.

Breast Reduction Cost

The cost of a breast reduction surgery varies greatly, depending on the type of procedure you choose and where you live.

The average cost of a breast reduction is $1,500 to $3,500. However, the price can vary significantly depending on factors such as your medical history and the extent of your breasts’ size and weight.

The average cost of a breast reduction in the U.S. today is $4,100. This figure includes all fees for surgeon’s fee and anesthesia. The surgeon’s fee accounts for around 60 percent of this amount while the anesthesia accounts for about 40 percent.

The average cost of a breast reduction in Canada is CAD$8,640 (Canadian dollars). This figure does not include travel expenses or any other ancillary costs that may incur during your stay in Canada for surgery